The Normand Gazette

This site is a modern way for all of the members of the original Normand family to keep in contact with pictures and messages. Please continue to publish news and happenings to let the everyone know about what is happening with your part of the family. Thank you and have fun!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Road Trip to Nanty Glo!

Here are a few pictures of our recent road trip to Nanty-Glo, Pennsylvania. We had a great time visiting all of the family. Dad showed up to meet us half-way, or so we thought it was half-way. Even though for us it was a nine hour drive, and for him it was only about three hours!!! Next time it's his turn to come out to Chicago and visit us! We went to a little lake and tried to go fishing. Even though the only one that caught anything was the old man that owned the property. We stayed up the whole weekend pretty much to visit as many people as possible. We tried to visit James and his family a couple times, but he was never home. We hope to see them more next time. We got to know Dave and his family a little more. There were so many fireworks set off that it was amazing the fire department wasn't called out! We drove to Johnstown a couple times in search for the World's Best Wings, but were severly dissapointed and the place that we had gone to so many times was shut down. We will have to accept our wildwings here in Chicago from now on. Aunt Dolly runs a feed mill store and she gave Shawnna a little bunny rabbit. Carmel is the name of our new family member. We'll see how long he lasts in the family.
Now that we live in Chicago, we have promised to visit everyone more often. We love everyone in Pa and hope to continue to keep in touch. We thank everyone for their hospitality during our visit. We can't wait to see you next time. See you in a couple months!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Well, Happy New Year everyone. We are so grateful for this new year that has come upon us. Here are a few pictures that show our Christmas and birthdays. Shawnna got a little scooter for Christmas and is already tearing up and down the street in front of the house. Little Drew IV got a little car to take him wherever he wants to go. Ninha and Shawnna both did some work in the kitchen and made a ginger bread house for the decorations. Shawnna got a birthday present a few days early: a new bed and mattress! She feels like she is growing up so fast. She is so excited!
We wish your families a wonderful new year and hopefully you have many wonderful good times and your wishes come true!

The Normands

Andy, Ninha, Shawnna, and DrewIV

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Looking for Gobb recipe!

For all of you family members living out the PA way, I'm looking for a Gobb recipe. I'm not a particular fan of Gobbs, per se, but it would be fun to try to make them because it's not something that you find here. You can post the recipe here, or email it directly to me at Hope everyone is have a happy holiday season. I've been a little slow to get Christmas in gear! You'll be lucky if you get your Christmas cards before the new year! Have a great day!
Love, Jocelyn

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Hello from Luxembourg

Dad made it over here safe and sound and we are having a nice time visiting. We were able to visit extended family on the Normand side who live in Frameries, Belgium. We met there and then he came home with us. The kids have had fun having Grampa Walrus here and he is doing a good job putting up with their antics. (They have been pretty well behaved, actually!) Tomorrow we are planning on going to Bastogne, Belgium to visit the Battle of the Bulge museum. Then Dad heads back to Brussels to catch his plane Tuesday morning. Wish we had a digital camera to take pictures with so we could share but Dad is not that technologically advanced yet and our camera has no battery (Perceval dropped the recharger in the bathtub!) When Dad gets the pictures developed (in about 5 years!) he can post them.
We would love to hear how you are all doing. Let us know. Just post a hello so we know you're out there!
Hope to hear from you soon.
Love Jocelyn and Dad from Luxembourg

Friday, November 25, 2005

Thanksgiving was a Success!

Thanksgiving was a huge success. We had dinner at my mom's house. My uncle and aunt and cousins were there. It was a good time had by all. The turkey was delicious, the fixings were tasty, and everyone left full and weighing a few more pounds than they weighed when they showed up. We hope that everyone in the extended Normand family had a good time. Enjoy time with your family, you never have enough of it. We love you all, have a happy holiday season!

Thursday, November 24, 2005


Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Thank you all for joining and having the desire to keep in touch. Jocelyn Normand, who is now Jocelyn Duffort, is nicknamed Living in Luxemburg. David Mastrine is obviously David. Jim is Jim Mastrine. The Normand Clan is Andrew Normand III and family. Andy Normand Jr. has been invited and we are awaiting his entrance. Also, Rose Marshall, Dolly to many, has also been invited. Thanks for the pictures Jocelyn. I hope everyone else can get some pictures up here, who cares what the pictures are, just as long as we all can see what everyone looks like. This will be great!
We love you all, hope you have a great Thanksgiving, and hope all is well wherever you are!
Thank you again,
With Love, Andy Leon and family.

Thought I'd try to add pictures. The first is from our vacation in August. We spent a week in Brittany and the picture was taken at the Mont St. Michel. It was a nice picture of all the kids and Patrice too. The second picture is an attempt at getting all of the grandkids together in one photo. A difficult task. Plus it was late in the evening near the end of our visit to the pumpkin patch so the kids were a little less than attentive.
Hope you are all enjoying your turkey on this Thanksgiving day. I'm not sure what we'll end up doing this weekend to celebrate. But we have yams so I'll make those whether I can get my hands on a turkey or not! Enjoy all that good food.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

I think Normand News might be cute too.

This is us, the Normands. We celebrated Ninha's 28th birthday party on November 19th, even though her real birthday is on March 19th. I I invited 25 people to a nice Brazilian restaurant, and imagine my surprise when over 35 people arrived to celebrate the occasion! The best part of the night was the specialty cake that I had ordered. It was a cake of an arial view of Rio de Janeiro, with actual pictures of the city pasted onto white chocolate standing up in a diarama style layout. It was amazing! Fun was had by all, the food was delicious, and the BILL was HUGE!
Anyway, please use this site to post news and happenings about your part of the Normand family. We hope this site can bring the family closer together one post at a time. Le me know what I can do to help this site be the best possible for our family. Keep the pictures coming, we love to see what everyone is doing. Thank you for your time, and we appreciate your participation.
With love,
The Normands in Southern California!